How To Sell A Probate Property In West Hartford

If you own a property, that is stuck in the courts, it can feel frustrating and overwhelming. All of your hard work handling everything should pay off in one way or another. In our latest post, we will help you learn how to sell a probate property in West Hartford! The probate process is stressful. … Continued

How To Sell A Damaged House In West Hartford

If you own a house that is in disarray or in need of repair, don’t fret. There are ways you can sell your house without having to pay for all the required repairs. If you need to sell a damaged house in the West Hartford area, our latest post will help you save time and money … Continued

How To Sell Your House With Tenants In West Hartford

Do you own an investment property in West Hartford that you’d like to sell? When other people are living in your house, the selling process can become a bit more complicated. In our latest post, learn more about how to sell your house with tenants in West Hartford! As a landlord, there may come a day … Continued

How To Sell Your Home Fast In West Hartford, CT

Real estate markets fluctuate — sometimes they are really hot and there are so many buyers that sellers will list a property and it gets snapped up the same day. Sometimes markets are kind of soft, which means a house might stay on a listing for weeks or even months without getting any offers! Homeowners … Continued

Foreclosure Prevention Measures In West Hartford and the rest of CT

Local CT homeowners who are facing a financial challenge may find themselves in foreclosure. Foreclosure is when the mortgage loan doesn’t get paid back and the bank begins the process to take ownership of the property to recoup its losses. If you find yourself entering the foreclosure process, you might wonder if there is anything … Continued

Help For Foreclosure In West Hartford – 3 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure

Few things are more devastating to families than the prospect of foreclosure. You own your home and you love it — it serves you well. Yet, due to unfortunate circumstances, foreclosure may seem imminent. For local CT families facing foreclosure, the stress can be almost unbearable. Worse yet, the foreclosure process can take months or even … Continued

Can You Get Your House In West Hartford Back After Foreclosure?

If you’re facing the possibility of foreclosure in the future, perhaps you are wondering can you get your house in West Hartford back after foreclosure. After all, you need a place to live! Unfortunately, after the court rules in the favor of your lender and agrees with the lender to proceed with foreclosure, it is … Continued

Can a house be sold while in probate in West Hartford CT?

Probate is the process of reassigning the property to the beneficiaries after the person dies. When a person passes away they leave their loved ones and their property behind. Sometimes the last will or the Testate is left behind by the person and in some cases it is not. Whatever is the situation, the property … Continued